SER - South Eastern Roadways
SER stands for South Eastern Roadways
Here you will find, what does SER stand for in Firm under Transportation category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate South Eastern Roadways? South Eastern Roadways can be abbreviated as SER What does SER stand for? SER stands for South Eastern Roadways. What does South Eastern Roadways mean?South Eastern Roadways is an expansion of SER
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Alternative definitions of SER
- State Explain Relate
- Service Employment And Redevelopment
- Structural Engineer Of Record
- Sociedad Española de Radiodifusión
- Sociedad Española de Radiodifusion
- Somatosensory-evoked responses
- Sentence Error Rate
- Significant Emission Rate
View 72 other definitions of SER on the main acronym page
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- SWS Southern Wine and Spirits
- SOSCS SOS Community Services
- SBC Sardis Baptist Church
- SMH Serenity Mental Health
- STL Summit Technologies Ltd.
- SSPCL Sabah Shell Petroleum Company Limited
- SCC Sunnyside Care Center
- S69R Star 69 Records
- SSW Spin South West
- SYFS Southwest Youth and Family Services
- SFF Space Frontier Foundation
- SAG Spartan Auto Group
- SPS Security Public Storage
- SISD Sherman Independent School District
- SMS Sundance Marketing Solutions